Sunday 19 July 2009

Living with fame

Fame - we all want it, but do we know how we will deal with it when we have it? Will we go crazy, dancing about singing, 'I'm famous, I'm famous, look at me, look at me"? Or will we be more adult and simply indulge in a little bit of ear digging? Here is an example of the mature response, the 'je ne sais quois" that the dignified, the comfortable, the 'at ease with myself' person takes.....Laurence Rees, history maker, lauded by Clive James at a public event takes a name check in his stride......


  1. When I am famous I will be exactly like this....

  2. How tragic to live your life in the public eye - or ear - like this! Poor Mr Rees must feel like a goldfish. His every movement scrutinised! But did you have a signed release form from him to give permission to use this clip? I fear a writ coming on...I know he is famous for being a lovely person, but surely there is a limit! Ear we go, indeed.

  3. what do Xanthe, Rodney, the Poppys, Jamie and Bill have to say? Why so quiet? Alarms bells are ringing in my head (or should i send my finger in to check it's not just a touch of tinnitus?)...

  4. To be honest Rodney was never up to much. I know he won't mind me saying this, but as a commentator he has always been rubbish. Don't you remember at that dinner guy, after the party, all those years ago meeting his elder brother Gregory = just the same. I love this clip, I think that manyAslip is a genius and should be awarded for highlighting so many important issues. I would love to meet her bu fear she would find me boring........

  5. As a schoolgirl just about to do her GCSE's I have never met Rodney, nor do I wish to. All I can say is that inbetween my revision and the parties I go to it is a welcome relief to follow such an intelligent blog as this - so amusing, erudite and thought provoking. And the poems! Rock on ManyAslip.

  6. Frank has overstepped the mark in his comment. Guy you weren't at the pub as expected - that is why I was leaving you and the blogs in peace, I thought it was a heavy hint. Not so - when I saw the photo of you and me together on your blog I was delighted. Monday night is our night. See you there?

  7. Ear wig oh
    Ear wig out
    Fame is fortune
    Fortune nowt
    Without the grace to wear it well..

    Bonjour Laurence Rees
    Je t'aime mon brave
    Je t'aime...

  8. Lovely Treasure, but you need more practice.

  9. Well, what a xxxxxx cheek poppy - I know who you are. I am nothing like Gregory - I am taller, richer and better looking - and I can comment with the best of them. Could this be sour grapes Poppy, after all, we all know that your poetry has only ever been popular amongst a tiny audience and I was the one who paid for the vanity publishing....1,000 copies I think? Are 999 still propping up your coffee table. Ha!

  10. i am completely confused

  11. I can't think why? Have you been drinking absinthe again? You know it kills double the brain cells that a normal eight pints does?
