Wednesday 17 June 2009

Eric Cantona - don't you just love him?

Eric Cantona interview in thelondonnews.

There's something about Eric Cantona that makes me feel that he and I would strike up a wonderful friendship - if only he offered some sort of domestic service.....I'm thinking along the lines of pest control, or possibly plumbing, (although I have people for these tasks) possibly a gardener. In fact that would be good since our garden is so small and the grass fake so he would have plenty of time to weave a magic world with his words. I shall copy out some of his interview just to illustrate my point:

What's tougher: football or acting?

I think it's difficult working in both passions. [Passions - don't you just go crazy for him? ]

Are you surprised that there is so much love for you, even though you retired 12 years ago?

Yes I am surprised - and I liked to be surprised.[Oh the fun you could have with that admission]. I want to be surprised again and again [Fabulous creature]. When I feel this love, I am emotional [Just like me Eric, just like me]

Why did you quit football when you were at the top of your game?

I lost the passion. Sometimes you are in love with somebody and then one day, you're not. It's like a love story. [Possibly not so good, what would happen to my garden if he just walked out one day?]

The passion - is it like a drug?

It's a drug. It's a real drug. [But, oh joy, he is paid for it not vice versa] That's why it's so difficult when you retire from football. Physiologically, you miss something. You miss the drug.

Do you miss football?

No. [What a scream!]

You sitll have connections to the sport, though

Not really. Because when I retired, I didn't want to watch the game for two years because it was like a love story that breaks. I wanted to focus on something else. It's easier. You can't stay in your past [So not just a clown. A wise, wise clown - and gardener, possibly]

When you retired, you said you'd paint and make movies. Do you paint?

I said that? I paint my house [Ahh so decorator rather than gardener perhaps?].


  1. I have always been a fan of Cantona's football ability and I just hope that his film will live up to his football skills. I do not quite understand why you are mocking this great sportsman (and now filmstar) is this rather juvenile way, however amusing you may find it.

  2. Get a life rodders!!! Can't you see the fun in anything? Typical.
