Saturday 20 June 2009

How to be a best friend

I came across this amazing quiz and thought I would publish it as I think everyone could benefit from seeing if they are a true 'best friend'. Don't be afraid to measure yourself - everyone can learn from just a little honesty with themselves. (PS if you don't know who Robert Pattinson is just look in the Eyebrows piece written in May). ManyAslip

How to be a best friend.

Do you understand the dynamics of a friendship? Are you ready to be introduced as the ‘best friend’? Why do you need a best friend? Find out in How to be a best friend.

In this book, you will discover the do’s and don’ts of becoming a successful best friend. This is something that everyone aspires to be but not many people achieve, as it requires exceptional qualities that you may not have been born with. But, this book will tell you how to acquire these qualities and become the best friend that you know you can be.

Firstly, some useful quotes to illustrate the importance of best friends:

“I believe that the most important thing in a friend is loyalty. I have been let down in the past.” ~ Paris Hilton

“Friends are kisses blown to us by angels” ~ Anonymous

“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it is a comfort to go hand in hand.” ~ Emily Kimbrough

“If you have one true friend, you have more than your share.” ~ Thomas Fuller

“When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.” ~ Anonymous

The following sections give you a taster for the detailed content of this essential book. Topics will be covered such as:

What is a best friend?

Nowadays, people take for granted the importance of having a best friend. It is taken as something that you do not need unless you are twelve years old. In a recent poll 62% of men in the UK said that their wives were their best friends. Here at Pomegranate Books we think that this is frankly rather sad. And what of these poor women – are they trapped with their husbands as their best friends? This should not be allowed to happen and clearly the skill of being a best friend is being lost in the helter-skelter of everyday living.

Following an emergency meeting we decided that although many people claim to have best-friends, they may not really know what that means, which is why this skill is so easily lost in later years. Our aim is to re-introduce these skills and train up a generation of women who truly know how to be a best friend.

Here is a list of some of the sacrifices or favors that you will have to make your best friend:

A best friend:

~ Always, always waits for her friend for lunch, for going home, for going anywhere/doing anything, in fact.

~ Never wants to stay at a party when the friend is not enjoying herself.

~ Never, ever criticizes her friend.

~ Never snitches on her friend.

~ Never deliberately tries to look nicer than her friend.

~ Always stands up for her best friend.

What do you have to do to be a best friend?

Step 1: Pick your friend – remember not to judge people on their looks, for example you shouldn’t pick someone solely for the purpose of them making you look good.

Step 2: Make sure that you share the same common interests (you don’t want any awkward silences!). Interests can include: animals, make-up, the cinema, bike riding, skiing and other wholesome activities.

Step 3: Abide by the list shown above, you don’t want to upset your best friend.

Step 4: Once you have selected someone you have to be prepared to:

~ Support them in whatever circumstances eg when her mum asks what mark you got in a test, never admit to getting anything higher than your friend –‘ I can’t remember’ is an acceptable response.

~ Never be embarrassed by their weirdness in public eg if they laugh uproariously always laugh as well, whether you think it is funny or not

~ Be prepared to spend time making them look nice even though you feel your appearance needs more time spent on it.

~ Never ever get involved with any of their family, they are always your priority e.g when left downstairs whilst she goes up to get her bag say nothing to her older brother when he passes by. You may however, stroke her dog.

Now, just to test how naturally good you are at being a best friend, take our fun quiz! Cover up the scores before you answer but take a note of which letter your answer has.

Are you a good best friend?

1. You are at a party having a great time; you are dancing and meeting people who seem really fun and exciting. Though, suddenly your best friend appears beside you with your coat, and says, ‘I have to leave those people over there are laughing at me, I have never been so miserable in my life’. Do you:

A Laugh and tell her to get a grip, you are enjoying yourself.
B Smile sympathetically and say they are not laughing at her, and introduce her to your fun new friends.
C Go up to the people who are laughing and give them a piece of your mind, take your coat, go home with your friend and watch Hollyoaks instead.

2.You are invited to Poppy’s Birthday Bash but your friend isn’t. Do you:

A Tell your friend that she has not been invited and therefore you will not be going either.
B Tell your friend that it is really unfair that she is not invited but you have to go because your mum is a friend of Poppy’s mum.
C Pretend to your friend you are staying in that night and secretly sneak out.

3. Your best friend has just been given £200 by her grandmother and wants to go to Abercrombie and Fitch to spend it all. You have no money but you have wanted to go and shop there for a long time. Do you:

A Tell her to go on her own – you cannot bear to see all the fabulous stuff she is going to buy.
B Tell her that you are happy to go with her but apologize in advance as you may get a bit sulky as you have no money yourself.
C Go on and on about how unfair it is that your granny is dead and you have no money and all your clothes are rubbish.

4. You are both running in a 2 mile race for charity but your friend is a very slow runner and starts lagging behind, saying she cannot breathe properly. If you come in with the first ten you will get to meet Robert Pattinson. You are currently in twelfth position, you are sure you can pick up speed. Do you:

A Just run as fast as you can, pretending you haven’t noticed she is behind you and gasping for breath.
B Grab her arm and try to get her to go a bit faster, encouraging her by telling her that you are almost there.
C Stop beside her, tell her to breath deeply and try and find a glass of water, giving up all hope of coming within the first ten.

Score yourself on how many A's,B's and C's you have.

Question 1: A = 1 point B = 2 points C= 5 points
Question 2: A = 5 points B = 2 points C = 1 points
Question 3: A = 2 points B = 5 points C = 1 point
Question 4: A = 1 point B = 2 points C = 5 points


4 – 6 Points – ‘Best friend’

You call yourself a best friend but are you really? Your attitude toward your best pal must improve or else you will end up with no friends at all. Nobody is saying that you have to sacrifice everything for your friend, but now and again it would be kind to respect her. She has feelings as well, you know.

7 – 14 Points – Typical Pal

You give a lot to your friend, and you are very kind to her. Though, some of the things you are doing are merely selfish and could be kinder. You are a good friend, but have not yet earnt the right to be that best friend… yet.

15 – 20 Points – Angel Friend

Wow! You are incredibly kind and look after your best friend more than yourself! Congratulations on being the ultimate best friend, though, you should look out for yourself a little more, it’s about you to!


  1. Friendship is the greatest thing that man or woman can attain, thus in many respects it is art, but also artful.......Many may struggle for it but for reach the goal - did you. Were you the 'angel friend' or simply the person who purported to be the 'best friend'.......
